Thursday, July 9, 2009

Parent - Teacher Conference Day

Is it a day of reckoning? Well, not exactly in my school. We seemed to be happy and we welcomed our chums' parents so warmly, greeted them loudly in the class. Auntie! Uncle! You could be amused when your friends praised your mom is pretty and dad is young and handsome. Why I didn't realize that? :D

I always maintain my results higher than/on the average score and make sure I'm not the last in the class so nothing to worry about it, I'm in the 8th placing in the mid term. I was worry if Pn. Moga would make a bad report on my behaviour to my mom, haha... luckily she didn't. Actually, I'm well behaved at school, most of the time. Sometimes I would be rebelious when I'm with friends. This is one of the characteristics of 5 Science 1.

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