Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Driving Test

6th May,

How embarrassed I was today!

I was having my driving test today, the very first one in my life. Well, everything had been worked out nicely excepttttttt for the parking test. ;( I just dunno why I was so stupid for hitting the pole that was right in front of me. Actually, I was trying to adjust the car to the span between the 3rd and 4th poles after making a turn to right and I shouldn't press the accelerator instead of releasing the clutch slowly. While the car was about to hit the pole, it's too late to brake to make it stop immediately due to large momentum. I was sort of dunno-what-to-do. This is part of me, the clumsy one. I' m supposed to be retested on 20th May but I'll be having my mid year standardize test on that day so next month will be my next chance, I swear I'm not going to fail it again.

7th May,

The next second I walked into the class in this morning, smirking faces, sarcastic looks were everywhere to be seen. I didn't mean to let everybody know I was taking the driving test except some of my friends but news was spreading like fire since... well, I'm not sure about that. It seemed like the whole form 5 and the teachers as well knew I had 'failed' my driving test and my classmates started laughing and teasing me around. " Excuse me, I didn't actually fail my driving test, I passed my road test, okay." This was what I said to cover my actual stupidity. Should I THANK to those who were 'promoting' the news for giving chances for me to explain it??? ;( I don't blame them, anyway.
Keeping my fingers cross for the next test.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Time to say Goodbye

1st of May, a saddening news struck my family and me far too painfully. Heart sank. Gonggong'd gone, it meant for ever this time, he would never come back to us again. Yet I hope it is only a convincing dream that all of us confused with the reality. Was it because gonggong was a kind person that the Lord wanted to take him Home???

It was only two weeks ago I went back to Kota Bharu where my's mommy hometown is, to visit gonggong with my family. He had been admitted into the hospital since March, he was diagnosed for having a severe COPD. We knew well his condition wasn't good because he went to hospital for this few years on and off but I didn't expect it as a last visit, I could hardly to imagine the next time we go back without seeing gonggong sitting at the living room waiting for our arrival.

Due to the far distance we parted, we're managed to meet him only in the long holiday in Dec if he didn't come to our place. When I was small, I was always waiting in anticipation to go back to KB not because of I can get a flight over there of course, if we went there by car, I was still willing to follow although the journey took 8-9 hours long.

He was indeed a kindhearted and hardworking person. He always thought of others first before himself. He had a hard life, with the little money he could spare, he lent to his friends or anyone he knew who were in need without expect anything back. At the age of sixties, he's still working, as long as he was able to work, he didn't want to do nothing at home.

That time, I mean while he was still healthy, he would walk us to the nearest grocery shop every evening to buy me and my sister some 'san cha'- a type of candy and ice-cream. He would bought himself some cigars which was placed behind the counter. A day before the coming of Festival of 'Tung Zhi', together we made the 'Tang Yuan', after that we would pray to the idol of god and to the sky for he was a Buddhist. He would hold our hands with his big and warm hands and prayed for us. Every year I would get new colour pencils from him which was really pleased me for the whole holiday and I would keep them very carefully in my bag until the kindergarten reopened. For some of the holiday, he came to visit us at my house with grandma, he would sit silently beside my piano and listened while I was practicing the songs that made my fingers jerked sometimes, I knew it wasn't nice but he never complained it, he would just remained silent there, at the seat...

Remorse, I had never celebrate birthday for gonggong. Just a few days ago when popo showed me his I/C and realized that his birthday was actually on 8th Nov.

I really miss gonggong...... he told me not to cry during the last visit but I couldn't help myself, if I knew that was the last time, I would hold his hand even longer. To fulfil what I've promised to him, that's the only I could do for him.

It's time to say goodbye to our beloved granddad,
Go in Peace......

We love you......