Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Today is unusual

Could you imagine that on the first day of your SPM forecast exam, your school was flooded due to the heavy rain in the morning? The exam hall was usually a dead room, quiet, still, everyone was studying very hard at the very eve of the exam, all of us delved into the books and no distraction could shift our attention. But today was different. As I say it was raining cats and dogs just now, many parts of TM was flooded they say, same to our school. Low landscape, bad drainage system, MES had always become MES Lake. You can see fishes, eels, toads or snakes if you are lucky, or unlucky.

The further I went in the school, the deeper the water was. It was soppy when the water got into my shoes. Then I sat in the exam hall and watched the people passed through the corridor, luckily the water didn't flow into the hall. The exam was bustling. I found that 95% of the students walking in the water in their shoes, only 5% of them walking barefoot in the water with their shoes in their hands. This 5% students are smart. I guess no one is willing to wear a pair of wet shoes throughout a day. Ka Man and Vikhna even more clever, they stepped on the chairs, and move another chair to the front to do the walking, three to four chair they used I guess ( Kaman, correct me if you see this) like the game we used to play in the Sports Camp.

The hall was damp, wet and it was more merrier than usual. Well, just imagine 50% of the candidates went through they exam without wearing the shoes! We did! What a joke!


liyana said...

it's a unforgettable experience before we leave the school i guess... hehe ^-^

jiin said...

ya lah...
i will super later comer...
i arrived almost 8 o'clock..